Predator Season

Predator season in South Luangwa brings increased wildlife activity but is not for everyone. The harsh reality between drying waterholes allows for intense action between predator and prey as they all congregate around drying water sources.

As the dry season takes its course the lifeline of the park, Luangwa river remains the only source of water, leading to more interactions and an increased chance of witnessing a hunt, even kills. As the animals fight for resources it can be the perfect time to see produce aggressive action shots.

From my 5 years of guiding in this pristine park, I have encountered and photographed more than 50+ individual Leopards in South Luangwa. On one of the occasions we ended up seeing 6 different leopards in just one day. So if you are someone who loves Leopards like I do, this is the place for you. A private vehicle with me will ensure you have the best access and angles as I talk you through how to capture these magical creatures. Predator season highlights the survival skill of these animals and the fragile balance of nature in one of Africa's top wildlife destinations, we will get raw, aggressive and dramatic action shots. Whilst Emerald season produces a more wholesome prettier backdrop with abundant birdlife, babies and bush, with contrasting colors and playful interactions for those that might find a hunt a little gruesome.


Emerald Season in South Luangwa