Emerald Season

Emerald season in South Luangwa brings a new life into the park, the flora and fauna flourishes, providing an ideal environment for both predators and prey. Among the most captivating sights during this season are the numerous cats that roam the area. Leopards, in particular, are a highlight, their spotted coats blending harmoniously with the dappled light filtering through the thick underbrush. The diverse landscape also supports various herbivores, from impalas to elephants, who thrive on the freshly grown leaves on the trees, bushes and thick grasses.

From my past trips and experiences emerald season is one of the best times to visit as the park is full of life with lots of passage migrant birds including the beautiful woodland kingfisher. Emerald season in South Luangwa is a spectacular display of nature's resilience and beauty, offering a unique vantage point to observe the intricate relationships between the land and its inhabitants. The abundance of life during this time serves as a testament to the rich biodiversity that defines this remarkable region. The backdrops of the lush plant life provide wonderful shades of dark green, further highlighting the muted browns of the animals or the harsh contrast of the zebra stripes. It’s a time where you can easily track footprints in the mud and the numerous baby animals can be spotted with their mothers around the park.


Predator Season in South Luangwa


The Two Valleys